Instead if you like your videos to be seen by thousands of RaceDepartment users consider upgrading to premium and post your Youtube videos, Twitch and Mixer livestreams in this dedicated video gallery instead or in this dedicated thread. Please do not post you-tube videos of your hotlaps in this forum, nor any self-promoting links to your YouTube channel or similar. The authorized template is below the video section. Keep the threads nice and neat so everyone can find what they are looking for easily, if you like a setup please leave a thumbs up for the poster. Try to write down as much information as possible.

3.1 Materials We used HGOC (n 46) and control (n 121. Please copy the template when replying to a setup thread. 23rd International Conference, Lima, Peru, October 48, 2020, Proceedings.

Toe on the other hand dictates how straight your tyres are pointing.
F1 2020 setup Patch#
This gives you the largest tyre contact patch with the road, distributing heat evenly, and giving you maximum traction. Find below the best dry and wet F1 2020 setups for the Japanese Grand Prix. In F1 2020, generally the closer you set your camber to -2.5 (furthest right on the scale) the faster your car will be, and the better your tyre wear will be.