Puzzles and riddles to stimulate your imagination. And where that fails RUN Shudders and thrills guaranteed. What the game does is it binds the interest of the gamer pretty well and is up there with the likes of Vigilance. A prisoner of the unfriendly, unearthly Baron Saturday, king of the Zombies, master of Voodoo and lord of poor KID’s shaky future. The graphics in the game are what one would like to see with fantasy games and the level designs are also unique and eye catchy. Frequently Asked Questions What is the purpose of this site Simple. Voodoo Detective Full Game Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary (PC) TheBlueDragon 25.5K subscribers 2.
You need to go through all the puzzles and obstacles to able to defeat the captain and rescue the trapped zombies and the souls. We have every game from the GOG.com catalog available to download for free Free GOG PC game downloads by direct link. Now on your course to the rescue, the butler will render with you with a variety of clues and information that will be needed to solve obstacles and the puzzles that are there in the game. Well the character can both be male and female and it will depend on your selection and the good thing about the game is that it can even be played by an 8 year old and is good enough to excite a young man as well. The character in the game falls asleep while reading the novel and gets transported to the same ship where he/she meets the butler of the captain who asks for help to rescue all the souls and the zombies. A protagonist is reading some novel about the story of some caption who turned his crew members into deadly zombies and is now going with them to an island known to inhabit lost souls.
It is a horror and action adventure where you have a fantasy theme which is based on a fictional story. VOODOO KID +1Clk Windows 11 10 8 7 Vista XP Install Opens in a new window or tab.